Maurizio - Domina 12" (M-3)

Maurizio - M4 12" (M-4)

You know you're dealing with some pretty heavily canonical shit when you consistently get compliments from record clerks at cooler-than-thou trendy record shops when purchasing records. I'm pretty sure this has happened 90% of the times I've picked up some Basic Channel or affiliated release, and it was no different again when I grabbed these two last night. But there's a good reason, Basic Channel/Maurizio/Rhythm & Sound are a bloody church of the deepest, sublime dub-techno out there, and their converts are everywhere. I'm really happy that they've finally repressed all of their old records, meaning I can build up my collection without ordering everything in from Germany. And with these two purchases I now have all but "Lyot" from the M series! The difference between me and a six-year old collecting baseball cards? Errr...about 18 years...
Kaito - Hundred Million Lightyears (Kompakt CD 49)

Man do I love syntheziser. And so does Kaito. He also loves trance. I don't love trance that much, but Kaito makes me want to love it like a fucking care bear. Deftly skirts the line that would turn this into touchy-feely new-age diaper-trance (one of the tracks is called "Holding A Baby"), instead it's just warm, enveloping, vaguely propulsive sky-trance. I use too many adjectives.
Luciano - Sci.Fi.Hi.Fi Vol 2 (Soma CD 46)

Spur of the moment pick, Luciano's new mix in this series after Ewan Pearson's, which was also quite good. Decided to take it in place of Keith Fullerton Whitman's Lisbon as I doubted I'd see this one again in a local record store, while KFW ain't goin' nowhere. So yes, Minimal. It dropped the house and/or techno and moved from genre modifier to genre of its own. Congratulations Minimal, you're all grown up now, your own genre! That's a big step. Anyway, I like this, very boompity-clickity beep ping swoosh--as all descriptions of Minimal tend to go these days. This is serious plateaux music, it works better under the longer stretches where you kind of forget that you ever listen to other music that doesn't have a four-four beat. Then all of a sudden all the little micro-flourishes make perfect sense and you can see so clearly all the hidden structures and melodies they were always outlining. Minimal is shockingly big right now.
I have more to say about minimal, micro-house and electro-house and the strange flux they all seem to be in right now, but that'll have to wait.
I'm going to steal all your bananas!
You hate trance but love cheesy house? oh you've become needlessly elitist...
I think I liked Kaito's previous album better, but I'll have to give this new one a few more listens. Not quite as catchy/memorable. Still very good though.
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