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I really should be working right now, but I just want to point this out real quick before I forget.
68%. That's the percentage of the total attacks in Iraq directed against coalition forces, according to the latest US Gov't report on Iraq, covering the last quarter of 2006 (see also lenin's commentary). Just remember that number the next time you hear about civil war in Iraq, and how they need MORE troops, else Iraq descend into chaos.
You remove the troops, you remove 68% of the attacks. Simple as that. The US occupying force is still, by far, the most damaging problem in Iraq right now. Plain and simple.
true. but you must also notice a dramatic increase in attacks in the other 2 categories. Are you the objective commentator or just a disseminator of your own ideas, your own propaganda?
oh yeah, iraq is getting worse in all categories, no doubt, but what seems to be regularly highlighted in the news is the "increasing secterian violence" as they like to call it, while neglecting to mention the fact that this violence only accounts for a small portion of the total number of attacks in Iraq. From the news coverage, you would have expected that the numbers were reversed, that 68% of attacks were on Iraqis.
Now, I don't pretend to be an "objective commentator" and, in truth, think the idea of one is pretty laughable. But what I'm pointing out here is that the news coverage is also no where near "objective." Instead it concentrates on portraying the Iraqi people in poor light (religious savages, fighting amongst themselves, in need of the steadying hands of US troops), while playing down the hugely damaging role of the continued presence of the american occupying force.
I totally agree. Just pointing out something minor for the sake of it.
Anytime you order two pizzas and have bacon, mushrooms, ground beef and peperoni on both of them- is a good time.
no doubt, and there was even a slice left for me in the morning! what an excellent suprise.
also, as i just said in the above post, don't be afraid to argue! you smell! birds suck! :p
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