Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sometimes I have conversations with people who actually think that cops are okay, that they aren't pricks by necessity of their job, that they don't serve as a tool for government intimidation and oppression. for any of you still out there, watch this video of some poor college kid getting tasered for asking john kerry a tough question. yup, those cops sure are playing a vital role in society...


Anonymous said...

it'd be interesting to get more back story on that. Clearly his questions were getting a bit out of hand, but I can't see why the cops would need to bust him up for grand standing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was absolutely ridiculous. And you've even got Kerry at the front talking at a grandpa-pace asking to leave him alone and answer his question. "nnnnoooo fffoolllkkks llleeetttt meee annsswer hhhhisss quessstion."