Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A good reason to buy the physical album

Holy shit I could not believe the price of these Gas cds. I have all these albums!! This is the first time I've ever noticed any of the cds/records I own appreciate in value, especially like this! I feel like a real record collector nerd now :D

Gas - Gas $49.00, £48.90
Gas - Zauberberg £35.00, $99.98, $272.98!!!
Gas - Konigsforst €55.00
Gas - Pop €65.00, $79.97, $125.00

They're are great by the way. Here's one for you:

Gas - Konigsforst 05

Not really returning

Blog heartbeat rather faint right now...

But nevertheless, I note this, which is some next level shit.

Friday, January 04, 2008