Friday, October 27, 2006

Brown paper packages tied up with string...

Okay, just to reiterate: I srsly can't get enough of that LCD Soundsystem track I posted below. It's, like, a near-perfect piece of music man! It's all I want to listen to right now.

Prior to this, the last piece of music that I couldn't get enough of was Joanna Newsom's Ys, and since it still doesn't come out for another 3 weeks or so, I've upped the whole damn thing for all you lovely people. Now this one actually I could imagine many people disliking...but oh well. Sounds kinda like a medieval Bjork. Will maybe write more about it, but I think my main point is that while this is coming from a very similar place as most indie rock, I think it manages to completely rise above most of the dreck that gets put out. I think it's really pushing things forward in an interesting direction, while still being quite accesible and tuneful. Anyway, make up your own mind:

Joanna Newsom - Ys

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