Monday, January 08, 2007

1. Cut a hole in a box

Also, if you haven't seen this yet, you will, cuz it's hilarious and making the internet rounds real quick-like right now. I keep singing it to myself, which could be trouble if I'm ever overheard...still, it's a great present idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah, i'm way behind in my monkey blog! sorry dude.

I had not see that, very ridiculous. I still think their "Cronic-what-cles of Narnia" was better. But this was perhaps above the one where Natalie Portman sings about what a bad ass she is. All good stuff really. Who know SNL still had it?

and yeah, that minute of that The Black Dog track is pretty dope, but why just a minute of that? guess it's better to keep you wanting more.

Finally, you seem to have a lot of pent up angst towards world politics. What did it ever do to you?