Saturday, August 18, 2007

Post-83 Guitars!

Because I enjoy making ridiculous sweeping generalizations, I made a claim a couple weeks ago while out drinking with folks that there hasen't been any good guitar-based music since '83, except in isolated pockets. Well here is an example of some post-'83 guitar-based music that I like; in fact, I'm currently totally obsessed with this track.

Studio - West Side

It's modern, hip guitar-y music, but it isn't crappy indie-rock nor is it even crappier fifth-generation grunge retreads, mall-punk emo or (worst of all) jack johnson. No, it's a couple of swedes making music that sounds like it should have been an extended album track on some stoned 70's prog rock band. I love it. I've made a mix with some more tunes like this on it that i'll probably post soon, but this track is even better. maybe.

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