Friday, June 01, 2007

Music lovers friday

It's been a while since I posted a bunch of tunes. So here what I've been feeling for a minute:


Massive influx of krautrock: here's a couple gems

Faust - It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl [bluesy piano and drum lock-groove + plus interlacing guitars, organs, vocals = genius!]

Harmonia - Notre Dame [the opening minute and of this is just jaw-dropping]

Favorite tune off the new Avril Lavigne. Starts a bit generic pop-punk, but man, that is a high-powered chorus!

Avril Lavigne - Runaway

"Bombastic" electro tune ripped from last years CBS (Cybernetic Broadcasting System, natch) top 100

Fockewulf 190 - Gitano

Go here and download Gregor Tresher - A Thousand Nights for some serious slow-build euphoric techno.

Go here and download the Sebo K resident advisor podcast for what one commentator described as "pretty much the bible for neo deep house/minimal"

Oh ya! And what's turning out to be my favorite album of '07 so far, Stars Of The Lid and their refinement of the decline, just a stunningly beautiful album, so warm and enveloping. The sound of warm slow summer evenings, still and peaceful (or at least, that's when I've been listening to it). This has been my "recharge" music for the last couple of weeks, when things were getting just a bit too crazy and stressful. I could pick almost any tune from it, but I'll choose this one:

Stars Of The Lid - A Meaningful Moment Through A Meaning(less) Process

It's summer, it's warm, and June 2007 is looking like a motherfucking COLOSUSS. I wish you all the best.

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