Monday, March 30, 2009

"Deep into the bowels of house music..."

I never did a "best of 2008" list, much to my own chagrin, and now I can't really remember what I would have said was my favorite album of year was. But the more I listen to it, the more DJ Sprinkles's Midtown 120 Blues, released late 2008 and not heard by me until 2009, has become quite possibly my favorite album of last year. The most intelligent house album, about house music, i have heard, possibly ever? And beautiful, deep lush piano, warm warm beats, not so much for dancing as for inhabiting a mindset where dancing is assumed to already be happening, and instead you can sit there and think about why people would dance in the first place. But that's not fair either, because this is not a cold, cerebral album, it is warmth and caring, soothing the pains and cares of the world. When you're tired on a Monday morning after moving boxes and furniture all weekend (as I am, as I did), this music is pure balm for the mind and body.

I would go on, but I am tired and my ability to write is negligible right now. But get this album. A beautiful house album made with intelligence and insight.

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