Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Survey says: "Bring back lynching!"

Just thought I should echo Lenin's post on this article, about a recent Gallop poll which found 39% of Americans think Muslims should be required to carry special ID, while roughly the same number admit to having some prejudice against Muslims. So America is now 2/5ths openly racist towards Muslims. And that's just the people that admit to being racist, let alone the people that hold various racist/xenophobic beliefs that they don't recognize as being so. Given the blanket media coverage these days, it's a good bet that probably almost all of us have a few of these squirreled away, unexamined in our mind, waiting to pop out just when you've convinced yourself what a good enlightened citizen you are. Sometimes I'm surprised when my actions actually line up with my explicitly held beliefs...

Anyhoo, had a request from the now-married brother for a re-up of my UKG tracks, will likely do that this evening, giving me a chance to write a bit more on our momentarily favourite break-beat focused genre :)

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